Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still die

Инструкция для бессмертных или что делать если вы всё-таки умерли. Иерей Даниил Сысоев. Издание на английском языке.

Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still die
Автор:о. Даниил Сысоев
Все произведения этого автора
Цена:110.00 Руб

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Вес:85 гр.
Издательство:МЦ им. Даниила Сысоева
Год издания:2015
Тираж:5000 экз.

Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still dieОткрыть в новом окне

Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still dieОткрыть в новом окне

Описание товара

As you know, this subject is one that is absolutely relevant to everybody, as you will have to die, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately, since Adam and Eve, death has been everyone's fate. Although unfortunate, abnormal, unnatural, and contrary to what God intends for us, death becomes something of a second nature for us, something that the Lord had defeated with His Resurrection. However, he did not commit the cruelty of giving us an immortal life now, while we are still in corrupt bodies. Rather, he granted us Resurrection in immortal bodies. The very same ones, but immortal. One can understand why the Lord did not grant us eternal life right now. Grandmothers, consider this: would you like to live forever, continually sick? No.
Think about this: When people say they would like to live forever, and don't think about the fact that while it would be good to live forever, it would also be quite desirable to live without illness. Would you disagree?
Contents «Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still die. Priest Daniel Sysoev»
The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes
The Structure of the Universe
About the soul
Reasons for death. The righteous, the sinners, and “those in between”
An ideal death. An awful death
Preparations for death, temptations and virtues
The approach of death. The moment of death
Perception after death
Prayers for the deceased, the funeral, and 40 days' prayers
The world beyondthe grave; the toll-houses; the examples of the saints
The significance of the Mysteries
The Way to Heaven
The General Resurrection
Birth, baptism, school years
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